Sabeynu – Vetaher Libeynu traditional
Here is a nign, a spiritual melody – to really let it lift you, sing this song for a long, long time. Songs like “Az Der Rebe Tantst” and “Der Rebe Elimeylekh” poke gentle fun at the Hasidic stream of Judaism. “Sabeynu” comes directly from the Hasidic tradition, and lives on both within and beyond Hasidic communities. This Shabbat prayer is in Hebrew as pronounced by Yiddish speakers. The melody, and the addition of the endearments to God as Father, come from the Breslov tradition. Some scholars attribute the melody to Rebbe Nachman of Breslov himself.
Source: Azameir BiSh’vochin — The Breslov Songbook, Volume 1 Breslov Research Institute
Sabeynu, sabeynu Satisfy us
Sabeynu mituvekho With Your goodness
Vesamakh nafsheynu Make our souls happy
Bishuosekho With Your saving power
Vetaher libeynu, tate Make our hearts clear, Papa
Vetaher libeynu, foter Make our hearts clear, Father
Vetaher libeynu Make our hearts clear
Le-ovdekho be-emes To serve You in truth