Rozhinkes Mit Mandlen
Unter Dem Kind’s Vigele one variant of a common traditional song
Unter dem kind’s vigele Under the child’s little cradle
Shteyt a klor vays tsigele Stands a bright white little goat
Dos tsigele iz geforn handlen The little goat is going to deal in
Rozhinkes mit mandlen Raisins and almonds
Rozhinkes mit mandlen iz zeyer zis Raisins and almonds are very sweet
Mayn kind vet zayn gezunt un frish My child will be healthy and lively
Gezunt iz di beste skhoyre Health is the best merchandise
Mayn kind vet lernen Toyre My child will study Torah (sacred teachings)
Toyre vet er lernen Torah he will study
Sforim vet er shraybn Holy books he will write
A guter un a frumer A good person and an observant Jew
Vet er – m’irtsashem – blaybn Will he – if God permits – remain
Rozhinkes Mit Mandlen by Abraham Goldfaden
A song from the operetta Shulamis based on the folk lullaby
In dem beys hamikdash In the synagogue
In a vinkl kheyder In a corner of the room
Zitst di almone, Bas Tsiyon, aleyn Sits the widow, Daughter Zion, alone
Ir ben yokhidl, Yidele Her little only son, Yidele (little Jew)
Vigt zi keseyder She rocks as usual
Un zingt im tsum shlofn And sings him to sleep with
A lidele sheyn A lovely little song
Ay lyu lyu lyu lyu lyu lyu
Unter Yidele’s vigele Under Yidele’s little cradle
Shteyt a klor vays tsigele Stands a bright white little goat
Dos tsigele iz geforn handlen The little goat has gone to trade
Dos vet zayn dayn baruf That will be your calling
Rozhinkes mit mandlen Raisins and almonds
Shlof zhe, Yidele, shlof Sleep, Yidele, sleep