Papirosn Cigarettes lyrics Herman Yablokoff music traditional

Papirosn   Cigarettes lyrics Herman Yablokoff music traditional

(verses 1 and 3 of the original)

A kalte nakht, a nepldike, finster umetumA cold night, foggy, darkness everywhere
Shteyt a yingele fartroyert un kukt zikh arumA boy stands sadly and looks around
Fun regn shitst im nor a vant, a koshikl halt er in hantOnly a wall protects him from the rain
He holds a basket in his hand
Un zayne oygn betn yedn shtumAnd his eyes beg everyone silently:
Ikh hob shoyn nit keyn koyekh mer arumtsugeyn in gasHungerik un opgerisn, fun dem regn nas
Hungerik un opgerisn, fun dem regn nasHungry and ragged, wet from the rain
Ikh shlep arum zikh fun baginenI walk around from dawn
Keyner git nit tsu fardinenNobody gives me any earnings
Ale lakhn makhn fun mir shpasEveryone laughs and makes fun of me
Kupitye, koyf zhe, koyf zhe papirosnPlease, Buy my cigarettes!
Trukene, fun regn nit fargosnDry ones, not wet from the rain
Koyf zhe, bilik benemonesBuy real cheap
Koyft un hot oyf mir rakhmonesBuy and have pity on me
Ratevet fun hunger mikh atsindSave me from hunger now
Kupitye, koyf zhe shvebelekh antiknBuy my matches, wonderful ones, the best
Dermit vet ir a yoseml derkviknAnd with that you will uplift an orphan
Umzist mayn shrayen un mayn loyfnMy cries and my running will be for nought
Keyner vil bay mir nit koyfnNobody wants to buy from me  
Oysgeyn vel ikh muzn vi a hintIn the end I’ll perish like a dog
Ikh hob gehat a shvesterl a kind fun der naturI had a little sister, a child of nature
Mit mir tsuzamen zikh geshlept hot zi a gantse yorTogether we moved around for an entire year
Mit ir geven iz mir fil gringer. With her, it was much easier for me
Laykhter vern flegt der hingerMy hunger would become lighter
Ven ikh fleg a kuk ton nor oyf irWhen I glanced at her
Mit a mol gevorn iz zi shvakh un zeyer krankSuddenly she became weak and very sick
Oyf mayne hent geshtorbn iz zi oyf a gasnbankShe died in my arms on a street bench
Un az ikh hob zi farloyrn, hob ikh alts ongevoryrnAnd when I lost her
I lost everything
Zol der toyt shoyn kumen oykh tsu mirLet death come already for me, too.