Di Goldene Medine The Golden Land traditional

Di Goldene Medine  The Golden Land   traditional   to the tune of Az Der Rebbe Tantz

When I sang this song with a group of seniors, one woman told me that her mother wouldn’t let her sing this risque lyric she picked up from older kids. Khalutsim were kids from Eastern Europe who went as Zionists to what was then the British Mandate of Palestine, to build Jewish farms. A mekhaye? Something that is such a delight, such a pleasure, it gives you life.

Vu bistu gevezn? Oy, vu bistu gevezn?                     Where have you been?

Zog-zhe mir tokhter getraye                                    Tell me dear daughter

Geven in Palestine                                                     I was in Palestina

Di goldene medine                                                    The golden land

Oy Mame, s’iz gevezn a mekhaye!                             Oy Mama, it was a mekhaye!

Vos hostu geton? Vos hostu geton?                            What did you do?

Zog-zhe mir tokhter getraye                                      Tell me dear daughter

Tse-brokhn hob ikh shteyner                                      I broke stones

Es tresh-tshen nokh di beyner                                    My bones are still creaking!

Oy Mame, s’iz gevezn a mekhaye!                               Oy Mama, it was a mekhaye!

Vos hostu gegesn? Vos hostu gegesn?                         What did you eat?

Zog-zhe mir tokhter getraye                                       Tell me dear daughter

Gegesn hob ikh kashe                                                  I ate kasha

Farbrent hot dos Mashe                                               Burnt by Masha

Oy Mame, s’iz gevezn a mekhaye!                               Oy Mama, it was a mekhaye!

Vu bistu geshlofn? Vu bistu geshlofn?                          Where did you sleep?

Zog-zhe mir tokhter getraye                                        Tell me dear daughter

Oyf a vogn hey                                                              On a wagon of hay

Mit khalutsim tsvey                                                       With two pioneers

Oy Mame, s’iz gevezn a mekhaye!                                Oy Mama, it was a mekhaye!

Vos hot ir geton? Vos hot ir geton?                               What did you do?

Zog-zhe mir tokhter getraye                                        Tell me dear daughter

Ikh hob geredt                                                              I spoke

Un er hot mikh geglet                                                  And he…stroked

Oy Mame, s’iz gevezn a mekhaye!                                Oy Mama, it was a mekhaye!

Vos vet zayn der sof? Vos vet zayn der sof?                  What will be the end of this?

Zog-zhe mir tokhter getraye                                        Tell me dear daughter

S’vet kumen a nayer dor                                          There will come a new generation

Fun khalutsim nor!                                                     Of pioneers

Oy Mame, s’vet dokh zayn a mekhaye!         Oy Mama, that will certainly be a mechaye!