Ale Brider adapted from text by Morris Winchevsky
Un mir zaynen ale brider We are all brothers
Un mir zingen freylekh lider And we sing happy songs
Un mir haltn zikh in eynem And we stick together
Azelkhes iz nito bay keynem It’s not like this with anybody
Un mir zaynen ale shvester We are all sisters
Azoy vi Rokhl, Rus un Ester Just like Rachel, Ruth and Esther
Un mir zaynen freylekh, munter And we are happy, cheerful
Zingen lider, tantsn unter Singing songs, dancing a bit
Frum un link fareynikt ale Observant and leftist all together
Vi a khosn mit a kale Like a bridegroom and a bride
Vi der kugl mit der kashe Like kugel and kashe
Vi der khumesh mit der Rashe Like the Torah with Rashi
No one has yet explained to me why kugel, a baked dish of a starch like noodles or potatoes, and kashe, a grain porridge, go together.
Torah with Rashi, the outstanding medieval commentary, was the first thing children learned after the Alef-Bet; Jews of any kind still study Khumesh, the Five Books of Moses, with Rashi as their constant guide.